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Prospective for Ni-Cu-PGE

Figure 1: Moho’s Tambellup Project in relation to other companies exploring in the area (on Google Earth image)

Moho’s 100% owned Tambellup Project comprises E70/6008 covering 142km2 and is located approximately 112km north of the port of Albany in Western Australia. The Tambellup Project was acquired through an agreement with Whistlepipe Exploration Pty Ltd (ASX announcement; MOHO EXPANDS NICKEL & GOLD SEARCH IN WA, 25 October 2021). Moho considers the project to be under explored for Ni-Cu-PGEs and rare earth elements (REE).

The Tambellup Exploration licence E70/6008 is located on a deeply seated structural corridor between the Boddington terrain and the Lake Grace terrain, both part of the Archean Yilgarn Craton. The region is dominated by Archean granites and gneisses, with Proterozoic sediments of the Stirling Ranges located to the south of the project area.

Interpretation of government geophysical data revealed several coincidental magnetic and gravity anomalies possibly indicating the presence of mafic – ultramafic intrusives under cover creating the potential for several Ni-Cu and PGE targets.

Office 3 / 9 Loftus Street
West Leederville, 6007

ABN     81 156 217 971

+61 8 9481 0389

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